Category: News


Illinois State Transportation Plan


The Illinois Department of Transportation recently kicked off a state-wide long-range transportation planning effort. The results of this effort will serve as a master plan for all transportation modes in Illinois, including highways, waterways, aeronautics, mass transportation, bicyclists, pedestrians, and railroad systems. The plan sets forth policies and goals that will guide the development of […]

NHI Advanced Freight Planning Course

Events News Workshops

Tuesday, April 24 & Wednesday, April 25, 2012 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., both days Cleveland, OH 44114-3204 The National Highway Institute’s Advanced Freight Planning (FHWA-NHI-139003) course is being offered on April 24th & 25th in Cleveland, Ohio at the offices of the Northeast Ohio Areawide Coordinating Agency (NOACA), themetropolitan planning organization in Northeast Ohio.

Two Views on I-39/90 Improvements


Today’s Milwaukee Journal Sentinal‘s Opinion page is carrying two opposing views about how to fund improvements to the I-39/90 corridor between Madison and the Wisconsin-Illinois state line. The MJS editors contend that “Barrett’s plan to fix roads takes the right approach” while Dan Cunningham of the I-39/90 NOW Coalition, says “Don’t shift road money to […]

Winter 2012 Freight Notes


The Winter 2012 edition of Freight Notes is now available. This issue includes the following: Central Minnesota Freight Study Developing a Regional Freight Approach Fracking & Transportation in the MAFC 2012 MAFC Annual Meeting FPM Report Updated Update: Regional Freight Study Update: 2012 MAFC Priorities You can download this issue of Freight Notes as a […]

CFIRE Geoeconomist


Geoeconomist National Center for Freight & Infrastructure Research & Education University of Wisconsin-Madison Madison, WI CFIRE is currently looking to hire a Geoeconomist to support the freight-focused policy, planning, and engineering research for the ten states of the Mid-America Freight Coalition and other CFIRE initiatives. Applications are due on January 9, 2012. For the complete job description […]

Fighting Congestion in Minneapolis

Highway News

Atlantic Cities recently took a look at Fighting Congestion in Minneapolis on a Tight Budget. The traffic situation in Minneapolis isn’t pretty. The 2011 Urban Mobility Report ranked the Twin Cities third worst among large cities in annual delay per commuter, at about 45 total hours. Of course a number of factors contribute to city congestion, […]

Freight Performance Measures Report Updated

Highway MAFC News Performance Measures

The FHWA Office of Freight Management and Operations, in conjunction with the American Transportation Research Institute, recently released an updated version of the Freight Performance Measures (FPM) report on congestion monitoring of freight-significant highway locations. This report shows that congestion increased at 61 percent of the 100 freight significant locations from 2009 to 2010. The […]

Great Lakes and Seaway Traffic

Maritime News

Great Lakes cargo traffic dropped 7 percent from July to August, according to an article in the Green Bay Press Gazette: Cargo traffic on the Great Lakes dipped almost 7 percent in August from July, but the amount of cargo carried by U.S.-flag freighters last month was on par with the five-year average for the […]

Perry joins CFIRE Staff as MAFC Facilitator


We are pleased to announce that Ernest Perry will join CFIRE as the new facilitator of the Mid-America Freight Coalition, starting October 3. As MAFC Facilitator, Perry will focus on creating and driving innovation and partnerships that enable transportation agencies to provide and manage the freight infrastructure and services that move us, keep us safe, […]

Railroads running again after Missouri river flooding


After spending most of the Summer underwater, railroads near the Missouri river are returning to more normal service levels. But as the waters recede, Union Pacific Railroad and BNSF Railway are lifting shipping embargoes and getting back to business as usual. The process is complicated and certainly not cheap — BNSF expects to spend more […]