The partnerships fostered by MAFC demonstrate that multistate collaboration supports the identification and rapid adoption of critical new technologies, policies and operations that promote safety, freight efficiencies, and support community and economic development. In that spirit, MAFC has held an annual meeting continuously since 2008 to support face to face interaction and peer development across the ten MAASTO states. In 2020 and again in 2021, the continued concerns with COVID-19 and in-person meetings prompted a virtual MAFC meeting format. The virtual format has provided an acceptable meeting alternative and the meeting is expected to return to a more traditional partnership meeting in 2022.
This year’s sessions examine transitions and opportunities with urban freight movement, freight resiliency, and freight technologies and automation. Presentations and resources for the three sessions will be provided below and posted as the sessions are completed.
Dr. Goodchild’s presentation is available at the link below.
November 4, 2021 | Urban Freight: Transitions and Opportunities: Anne Goodchild, Professor, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering; Director, Supply Chain Transportation & Logistics Center. University of Washington. Link to Dr. Goodchild’s Urban Freight presentation. |
January 6, 2022 | Part 1. MAFC History, Operations and Resources. Link to presentation. Part 2. State Peer to Peer Sharing. Link to state updates. |