Author: Mid-America Freight Coalition

Futurallia Kansas City 2011

Conferences Events MAFC

Don’t miss out! Registration for Futurallia Kansas City 2011 closes on April 23. Futurallia, the 16th Annual Business Development Forum, will be held in Kansas City,  Missouri on May 18-20, 2011. Register now at

2011 MAFC Conference and Annual Meeting

Annual Meeting Conferences Events

The 2011 Mid-America Freight Coalition Conference and Annual Meeting, to be held April 26-28 in St. Louis, Missouri, starts in just a few days. We’ve put together a diverse line-up of presentations, panel discussions, and workshops on freight transportation in the MAFC region and beyond. A special note for state and MPO representatives. On April […]

The Far Reaching Effects of Canal Expansion

Highway Maritime Rail Research

Since it opened in 1914, the Panama Canal has been a vital part of international trade. However, the growth of worldwide shipping over the course of the last century has increasingly strained the Canal’s capacity, causing the Panama Canal Authority (ACP) to estimate in 2006 that the Canal would reach its current operating capacity before […]

No Free Lunches

Freight Notes Funding

We all learned at a young age that there is no free lunch, but most Americans seem to have forgotten that simple truism when it comes to public spending on transportation infrastructure. A recent Rockefeller Foundation survey, which was republished in the AASHTO Journal, found that two-thirds of respondents felt that a greater investment is […]

DOC Listening Sessions

Funding Highway Maritime Rail

The US Departments of Commerce (DOC) and Transportation have recently broken new ground. They are cooperating on a series of public meetings in which members of the private sector have been asked to come and discuss their concerns and ideas about transportation. This is new ground because the agencies are dealing with a fundamental issue […]

MARAD Listening Sessions


What is the future of freight movements on the Great Lakes? What are some of the challenges facing Great Lakes carriers? These are just two of the questions that representatives of the Federal Maritime Administration (MARAD), including the administrator and deputy administrator, and the consultant working on a review of Great Lakes freight movements asked […]

Michigan State Rail Plan


This article was contributed by Larry Karnes, Michigan DOT With hundreds of public comments and notes from dozens of stakeholder outreach meetings in hand, the Michigan Rail Plan team is rounding the bend toward completing MDOT’s first major rail plan in decades. The lead consultant, HNTB Michigan, Inc. is on-track to deliver the draft document […]

Regional Freight Plan Informational Call

Regional Freight Plan

On Thursday, February 17 MAFC Facilitator Ernie Wittwer conducted an informational conference call to discuss and elucidate the process for the MAFC Regional Freight Plan that’s currently underway. Members of the MAFC technical committee and senior policy staff from the ten MAFC departments of transportation attended the call. Here’s the presentation that Wittwer used as […]

KDOT Secretary Miller on Cutting Costs and Speeding Project Delivery

Funding News

Kansas Department of Transportation Secretary Deb Miller testified (on behalf of AASHTO) before the House Transportation and Infrastructure subcomittee on Highways and Transit and made recommendations for cutting costs and expediting project delivery on major infrastructure projects. Miller concluded her remarks by saying, “it is essential to find ways to deliver a better product, faster, […]