In partnership with the Ohio Conference on Freight. September 5 to September 7, 2023. Cincinnati, Ohio.
The 2023 MAFC annual meeting was held in conjunction with the Ohio Conference on Freight and included freight professionals from 22 state departments of transportation, industry and logistics professionals, local planning professionals, and federal and state agencies.
The meeting began Tuesday afternoon with a tour of the CVG freight facilities. With Amazon and DHL as tenants, the facility is growing rapidly and attracting a significant cast of supporting businesses (more pictures at the bottom of this page).

Wednesday included general sessions as well as breakout sessions for MAFC. MAFC’s session included an overview for truck parking issues and research completed in the MAFC region. This was followed by a MAFC business meeting, peer to peer discussions, then dinner and networking.
To see the full agenda for the meeting and presentations as they become available, see the Ohio Conference on Freight at:
The MAFC Truck Parking Session description and presentations are provided below:
Truck Parking Technology and Trends in the Mid America Association of State Transportation Officials (MAASTO) Region
This session provides an overview of truck parking issues and innovations to improve awareness of parking availability on freight corridors. The MAASTO Truck Parking Information Management System (TPIMS) and the Texas A&M Transportation Institute/Mid America Freight Coalition technology test are reviewed. The session concludes with a facilitated discussion on truck parking opportunities related to alternate fueling and automation.
Moderator: Ernie Perry, Facilitator and Researcher, Mid America Freight Coalition, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Truck Parking in the MAASTO Region: More Spaces, More Technology, and Increased Collaboration!
Jolanda Prozzi, Program Manager: Environment and Planning, Texas A&M Transportation Institute
Parking Apps: The Good and the Not So Good
Anupam Srivastava, Research Associate, Mid America Freight Coalition, University of Wisconsin-Madison
MAASTO Truck Parking Information Management System (TPIMS) Archive