Events Outreach

Now Available: MAFC Freight Innovations Iowa DOT Presentation

Mid-America Freight Coalition 

As part of the Mid-America Freight Coalition’s Freight Planning Innovation webinar series, the planning group of the Iowa Department of Transportation presented their work in developing Iowa’s freight improvement prioritization process. The planning team discussed the use of their VCAP (Value, Condition, and Performance) matrix to rank freight projects. The presentation was attended by about 20 DOT staff from across the MAFC region and was followed by a question-and-answer session about Iowa’s work.

The webinar was hosted by MAFC to support the sharing of freight planning innovations and best practices among the MAASTO states.  Future topics for Freight Planning Innovation webinars include a discussion on the recently-released National Freight Strategic Plan, and a working session on MAFC research efforts to better align and leverage state freight plans.

For more information, check out the recorded webinar and the Iowa DOT presentation.

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