Innovative Infrastructure in the MAFC

MAFC News Research

U.S. Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx recently announced $4.38 million in grants from the Federal Highway Administration’s Accelerated Innovation Deployment (AID) demonstration program. Two MAFC states–Kansas and Minnesota–where among the grantees. Agency Amount Project Description Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT) $1,000,000 KDOT will use its AID grant to offset the cost of a technology project known as […]

States Look to Improve the Mississippi River System

Conferences Events Maritime

With the ice is melting, many of the MAFC states are preparing for the 2015 navigation season. Two recent meetings brought together public and private stakeholders with an interest in improving maritime freight on the Mississippi River system. Upper Mississippi River System Ports, Terminals, and Operators Workshop The Upper Mississippi River System Ports, Terminals, and […]

Beyond Traffic 2045


US DOT Secretary Anthony Foxx recently unveiled Beyond Traffic: …a new forward-looking analysis from the U.S. Department of Transportation outlining  the trends that are likely to  shape the needs of our transportation system over the next three decades. Beyond Traffic is offered to the public as a draft to ignite a national conversation about the […]

MAFC Program Manager to Serve on Wisconsin FAC


CFIRE researcher Ernie Perry has been invited by Wisconsin DOT Secretary Mark Gottlieb to serve as a representative on the newly formed Wisconsin Freight Advisory Committee (FAC). Perry also serves as the program manager of the Mid-America Freight Coalition (MAFC). Dr. Perry will serve a two-year term with approximately 30 other voting representatives from the industry, […]

TSI Confirmed as Economic Indicator


The Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) recently released a new technical report, Transportation Services Index and the Economy—Revisited, that confirms that the Transportation Services Indexes (TSIs) both lead the economy, though in different ways. BTS extended the TSI back to 1979, examining five re­cessions and numerous growth cycles. “When the accelerations and decelera­tions of the freight […]

2012 Commodity Flow Survey Results Available


The US Census Bureau has released the results of the 2012 Commodity Flow Survey. The Commodity Flow Survey is conducted every five years as part of the Census Bureau’s economic census. The survey, a partnership with the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Bureau of Transportation Statistics, is the primary source of national, state and selected metropolitan areas statistics […]

Minnesota Statewide Freight Summit/Symposium

Conferences Events

The Center for Transportation Studies (CTS) at the University of Minnesota is hosting the Minnesota Statewide Freight Summit/Symposium. This meeting will be held on December 5, 2014 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. This event aims to foster executive-level thought leadership between government and industry to develop a freight action plan that supports an efficient and competitive freight […]