Category: Events

Materials from 2018 Annual Meeting Available for Download

Annual Meeting Events MAFC

In August, the MAFC technical representatives from the 10 member states met in Traverse City, Michigan for the 2018 MAFC Annual Meeting. This meeting was held in conjunction with the MAASTO 2018 conference, which dedicated a track to freight topics throughout the two-day event. The content for the breakout sessions in this track was driven by MAFC […]

Save the Date for the 2016 MAFC Meeting

Annual Meeting Events MAFC News

The 2016 MAFC Meeting will be held in conjunction with the MAASTO Annual Meeting August 8-11, 2016 in Minneapolis, MN. MAFC sessions will focus on: Freight planning and freight investment plans Freight corridors and gateways Truck parking How changes in multimodal freight operations impact transportation systems and policy To register, visit: For more information, contact Ernie Perry, PhD, MAFC Program Manager at

Now Available: MAFC Freight Innovations Iowa DOT Presentation

Events Outreach

As part of the Mid-America Freight Coalition’s Freight Planning Innovation webinar series, the planning group of the Iowa Department of Transportation presented their work in developing Iowa’s freight improvement prioritization process. The planning team discussed the use of their VCAP (Value, Condition, and Performance) matrix to rank freight projects. The presentation was attended by about […]

States Look to Improve the Mississippi River System

Conferences Events Maritime

With the ice is melting, many of the MAFC states are preparing for the 2015 navigation season. Two recent meetings brought together public and private stakeholders with an interest in improving maritime freight on the Mississippi River system. Upper Mississippi River System Ports, Terminals, and Operators Workshop The Upper Mississippi River System Ports, Terminals, and […]

Minnesota Statewide Freight Summit/Symposium

Conferences Events

The Center for Transportation Studies (CTS) at the University of Minnesota is hosting the Minnesota Statewide Freight Summit/Symposium. This meeting will be held on December 5, 2014 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. This event aims to foster executive-level thought leadership between government and industry to develop a freight action plan that supports an efficient and competitive freight […]

Quadrennial Energy Review Public Stakeholder Meeting


On August 8, 2014 MAFC program manager Ernie Perry spoke on a panel at the US Department of Energy Quadrennial Energy Review Public Stakeholder Meeting, which included USDOT Secretary Anthony Foxx, DOE Secretary Ernest Moniz, Assistant Secretary of the Army (Civil Works) Jo-Ellen Darcy, and John Holdren, Director of the President’s Office of Science and Technology […]

MAFC Best Practice Series: Innovation in Freight Performance Management


The second episode in the MAFC Best Practice Series–a joint webinar between the Mid-America Freight Coalition and the Great Lakes Regional Transportation Operations Coalition on freight performance management best practices–is now available in archived form. Presentations Innovations in Statewide Freight Planning, A Comprehensive Approach (Keith Bucklew, CDM Smith) Crafting and Visualizing Performance Measures from the […]