Save the Date for the MAFC/ITTS Annual Meeting!

Mid-America Freight Coalition 

Save the Date!

August 12-14, 2024.

Linking the Chain

Collaboration and Innovation in Freight

Please join the Mid-America Freight Coalition and the Institute for Trade and Transportation Studies in Kansas City to discuss innovations in freight policy, planning and operations.

The conference includes a roundtable session with national freight leadership, a discussion of alternate fuels for multimodal operations, private sector panel discussion of modern supply chains, insights from multimodal operators, and peer-to-peer knowledge exchange sessions.

This is an opportunity to network and learn with freight professionals from more than 16 State Departments of Transportation, and their planning partners.

Date: August 12–14, 2024

Location: Kansas City, MO – Westin Crown Plaza Hotel

Registration: Opening soon.

For more information: Ernie Perry, Ph.D.

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