Category: Performance Measures

Freight Performance Measures Report Updated

Highway MAFC News Performance Measures

The FHWA Office of Freight Management and Operations, in conjunction with the American Transportation Research Institute, recently released an updated version of the Freight Performance Measures (FPM) report on congestion monitoring of freight-significant highway locations. This report shows that congestion increased at 61 percent of the 100 freight significant locations from 2009 to 2010. The […]

Final Report: Performance Measures for Evaluating Multi-state Projects

MAFC Performance Measures Research

Researchers have recently completed the Performance Measures for Evaluating Multi-state Projects (MAFC 11) project and issued a final report. This project outlines a method, using the Chicago CREATE project as a case study, that considers the impacts of geographic and industry distribution of project benefits, intermodal impacts, and reliability, as well as the traditional benefits of […]

Measuring Transportation Performance

Freight Notes Funding Performance Measures

Many of us in the transportation community have been lamenting the lack of action at the federal level in the reauthorization of transportation programs. We have been operating on continuing resolutions and loans from the general fund for a very long time and Congressional action still seems years in the future. I recently had the […]

Recommendations for Reauthorization

Funding MAFC Maritime Performance Measures Rail Research

As part of the Recommendations for Reauthorization project (MVFC 09), we’ve produced a series of one-page, topic-based documents that encapsulate the MVFC’s positions regarding the next federal surface transportation bill. Funding Freight Programs Institutional Issues for Freight Rail Transportation Maritime Transportation Freight Performance Measures Truck Size and Weight These documents were distributed to attendees at […]