Category: News


National Maritime Strategy Symposium Announced

Events Maritime News

US Department of Transportation Washington, DC January 14-16, 2014 The Maritime Administration (MARAD) invites the public and other Marine Transportation System stakeholders to participate in a discussion intended to develop a robust national maritime strategy. The purpose of this public meeting is to gather ideas for improving the Nation’s cargo opportunities and sealift capacity while […]

Wisconsin Economic Future Study


In June, the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) released The Wisconsin Economic Future Study—Statewide and Regional Analysis, prepared by the MPI Group, Inc. The study is a follow-up to a similar analysis published in 2005, and highlights statewide and regional industries that drive economic growth. It also highlights industries closely related to these driver industries, […]

LaHood names NFAC members


On May 30, outgoing USDOT Secretary Ray LaHood named the members of the National Freight Advisory Committee. The Advisory Committee is comprised of 47 voting members from outside the Department of Transportation.  The Deputy Secretary and Under Secretary of Transportation for Policy, as well as representatives from other Federal agencies with freight-related obligations will serve […]

New MnDOT Chief Confirmed


The Mid-America Freight Coalition welcomes Charlie Zelle, who was recently confirmed by Minnesota State Senate as the new Commissioner of the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT). For more about Commissioner Zelle, checkout the recent article in the Star Tribune.

Freight Facts and Figures 2012

News Research

The U.S. Federal Highway Administration has released a report that summarizes the volume and value of freight flows; the physical network for freight; the economic conditions that generate freight movements; the industry that carries freight; and the safety, energy, and environmental implications of freight transportation. For more information, download the Freight Facts and Figures 2012 […]

Fall 2012 Freight Notes

Freight Notes News

The Fall 2012 edition of Freight Notes is now available for download. This issue contains articles and information about: Foreign trade zones The future of maritime freight The newly appointed MnDOT Commissioner The newly appointed head of the FHWA Office of Freight Management and Operations Transportation for America’s new MAP-21 guide The demand for wood pellets […]

Ohio Jobs and Transportation Plan

Funding News

Ohio recently unveiled a jobs and transportation plan to fund critical highway projects. The Ohio Jobs and Transportation Plan would generate $1.5 billion in new funds for Ohio highways from bonds issued by the Ohio Turnpike Commission and backed by future toll revenues. Up to an additional $1.5 billion could be generated from matching local […]

Zelle appointed MnDOT Commissioner


Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton has appointed Charlie Zelle to be the new MnDOT Commissioner, effective January 15, 2013. Zelle is president and CEO of Jefferson Lines, which provides travel services in 13 Midwestern states. His family founded the company in 1919. It serves more that 60 Minnesota cities and specializes in connecting rural areas to destinations […]

The Return on Infrastructure Investment

Funding News

Two researchers from the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco recently presented a paper at the 2012 NBER Macroeconomics Annual Conference entitled “Roads to Prosperity or Bridges to Nowhere? Theory and Evidence on the Impact of Public Infrastructure Investment.” Here’s the abstract: We examine the dynamic macroeconomic effects of public infrastructure investment both theoretically and […]